Stairing upwards without swaying.
Stairing upwards without swaying.
Muster the mustard, a breath of desire.
Taking seriously since taken seriously.
Taking initiative so important issues are revealed rather than taking issue keeping initiatives sealed.
My history is not always my story since honesty is not always accuracy.
Add ease to the shouldered soldier.
In camping with being encamped by moving the shouldered shoulds into the woulds.
Been around the block
while going around the world.
Spinning on the circle
like a clam around a pearl.
Was lost until hidden
now hiding is forbidden
what confusion could not,
is now overwritten.
Foggy in the mourning,
marching in the madness,
vengeance now a warning,
darkness permitting sadness.
Returning to the corner
in my circle of influence and effect.
No longer a cause of unintended neglect.
Strength and motion vs weakness and emotion.
Remorse mumbled, not by repentance humbled.
From appeasing and surviving into pleasing and reviving.
It’s a know go.
Within toward when.
A rested development in the promises.