Humor can soften the blow of a past wound to make it a present strength. It can govern resistance into acceptance leading to deeper self-acceptance without reliance on justification, excuses, or distorted narratives.
Humor can soften the blow of a past wound to make it a present strength. It can govern resistance into acceptance leading to deeper self-acceptance without reliance on justification, excuses, or distorted narratives.
Life trains you with a 4 by 4 but it’s better to go out 2 by 2.
Serious and free.
Humor used to make someone laugh can bring out masked emotions. Laughing while talking often is a way to cover emotions or hide the real ones especially related to insecurities or inadequacies. Learn to recognize and distinguish between the two. We tend to judge these two ways without interpretive skills to know what to know or know what to do next with someone.
Stress freed not stress fried.
Worry is always in a hurry.
It creates a whirlwind from a flurry.
Seems too blurry to catch to bury.
Even makes my speech slurry.
What if worry is a signal by a referee
To enter the refinery of Peace in spite of me.
Burning my doubts after burnout.
Often what we think is missing is not what matters.
Narrative machine.
As a part of the Adams family I have em because Adam had em. Yet Christmas Eve conceived whom I believe.
Stormy leather.
Nativity scene.
Off track and stuck? Direction, then correction.
Times men of the year.