Sum it. A peak peek.
Sum it. A peak peek.
Eye pad.
My way has no High way
I go by the Way
A drive by so to say
Eager but not serious
Calling a calling delirious
High minded and unwinded I confess
Unbridled without brokenness
Idolizing my distress
By pressing my idle
Idolizing stress
Without a bridle.
Angry because afraid
Knowing I’m being played
Out of view of the parade
Thinking I’m self-made.
Opposing rather than challenging.
I’m blank until drawn again.
Quantum playground.
Talking familiarly in a growing fluency.
Unsinkable but not unthinkable.
It’s not always possible to distinguish between a curious heart and a committed one.
A closed mouth frees the mind.
A boiling pot hole.
Bull dozing.
Contention competing against contentment
Storms of the face
Are they the storms I face
Reflected in my pace
That put me in my place
Did I respond to Grace
As a basket case
In an impossible race
Do I continue to chase
What is already in place
Can I see without a trace
A King from an ace
Can I be a broken vase
On a dusty bookcase
Time to embrace what I can’t erase
Back to the shoe lace in the foot race