Psalm 18:19

Mind reduction from the seduction of the grind.

God Speed You

His speed and finality reveals our mortality, reality, and morality.

Isaiah 53

The centerpiece that centers into peace.

L&N Derail Road

Lies and neglect go hand in hand

keeping a son from being a man.

Love is forgotten in a demand.

Fatigue is not a way to command.

Exhaustion is the promised land.

This is where I feel His hand.

Forgiveness is the exercise band

strengthening what I know I can.

Don’t envy in others what is bland.

Plow the promise in the Fatherland.

Rail the road as a witness stand.

Loco motion no sleight of hand.

2 Corinthians 5:13,14

1 Peter 3:15

A sanctified heart enlightens the head.

Mimed In

Murmuring as a wind chime.

Help Yelp

Personal means to personal meaning.

Why Word

Meaningful if it is to truly understand why it is meaningful.


Often starts with a shame of what we didn’t remember but doesn’t leave you there.