Mind reduction from the seduction of the grind.
Mind reduction from the seduction of the grind.
His speed and finality reveals our mortality, reality, and morality.
Complete defeat by devour power.
The centerpiece that centers into peace.
Lies and neglect go hand in hand
keeping a son from being a man.
Love is forgotten in a demand.
Fatigue is not a way to command.
Exhaustion is the promised land.
This is where I feel His hand.
Forgiveness is the exercise band
strengthening what I know I can.
Don’t envy in others what is bland.
Plow the promise in the Fatherland.
Rail the road as a witness stand.
Loco motion no sleight of hand.
2 Corinthians 5:13,14
A sanctified heart enlightens the head.
Anxiety endures but I outlast.
Murmuring as a wind chime.
Texture in the tissue.
Personal means to personal meaning.
Meaningful if it is to truly understand why it is meaningful.
Action before honesty.
Canning the kick vs kicking the can down the road.
Often starts with a shame of what we didn’t remember but doesn’t leave you there.